In the northern Israeli city of Tamra, the Foundation for a Drug-Free World partnered with the Federation of Working and Studying Youth and distributed thousands of Truth About Drugs booklets. Over 5,000 students participated in lectures and educational events resulting in drug use dropping by 70%.
“The results from use of the Truth About Drugs materials in terms of reduced drug abuse among the learners has been nothing short of spectacular.”
“At the centre of the Department of Education’s Teenagers Against Drug Abuse programme are the Truth About Drugs materials provided by the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, which have proven the indispensable ingredient to the programme’s success. The results from use of the Truth About Drugs materials in terms of reduced drug abuse among the learners has been nothing short of spectacular. From one of the worst in the province in terms of drug abuse, one of the schools has become an example to other learning institutions.” —Eastern Cape, Department of Education, South Africa
“Within a database of more than 20 nonprofit institutions focusing on these drug prevention activities, the Drug-Free World Civil Association was chosen [for a grant] by our headquarters in Vienna due to the strength of its hard work, the quality of its educational materials and its work plan for schools in vulnerable areas.” —United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Mexico
“...decreasing the misery caused by drug abuse in our country.”
“I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable work. By relentlessly continuing to get the information out all across Germany, you are making a difference in decreasing the misery caused by drug abuse in our country.” —Youth Addiction Help, Frankfurt, Germany
“Based on our evaluation of your material, we inform you that the booklet The Truth About Drugs has been approved to be read and studied for youth and the general public.” —Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology, Republic of Panama
“80% of youth put through the programme say they feel they are no longer at risk...”
“Since meeting the Foundation for a Drug-Free World and seeing the materials they provide we have now taken on board their campaign in our workshops that we deliver to secondary schools pupils. 80% of youth put through the programme say they feel they are no longer at risk of offending/reoffending as a result of the full programme.” —Foundation 4 Life, United Kingdom
“I fully recommend the literature provided by the Foundation for a Drug-Free World. These materials truly allowed students the opportunity to learn how to navigate such a treacherous subject that they will encounter at some point in their high school experience. The better tools they have to make informed, thoughtful decisions, the better.” —Counselor, Independent School District, USA
“I have delivered the Truth About Drugs program in my classes, bringing children to see reality when they often think that nothing can harm them. They are alert and discuss the matter. They are more aware and reporting situations they observe. Thank you for the material.” —Teacher, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
“I have delivered the Truth About Drugs program to 300 students so far. The quality of the program is a 10. The message is so well crafted and unique that youth stop and listen.” —Community Educator, Cultural Education and Environmental Organization, Kashmir, India
“The resources from the Foundation for a Drug-Free World are great. The personal stories are impacting and can be linked to situations with students very easily. The students engaged with the resources very well, therefore the messages are getting out.” —Teacher, Mareeba, Queensland, Australia

To address the global drug abuse problem requires a bottom-up and top-down approach, a broad spectrum of actions that get the message of drug-free living to young people everywhere.
To that end, Scientologists and other volunteers around the world spread the Truth About Drugs message through distribution of informational booklets on the most commonly abused substances—62 million booklets in 21 languages, empowering young people to make their own decision to live drug-free.
Drug prevention events include drug-free pledge signings, information booths in high-traffic locations, public service announcements in virtually any public place, music performances, and myriad other means of drawing attention to this major planetary issue.
Because they see firsthand the devastation caused by drugs, often in the forefront of drug education initiatives are parents, community leaders, teachers and law enforcement officers, using the resources provided by the Foundation for a Drug-Free World and uniting in the international movement to break the cycle of drug abuse.

“On behalf of the children and the staff who attended your workshop this summer, we would like to express our extreme gratitude for educating our youths on the effects of drugs. It is truly remarkable to have an organization such as yours dedicate themselves to spreading awareness of drug abuse to our children and the communities they reside in.” —Program Director YWCA, USA
“Each family that completes the Substance Abuse Family Education Program is given a booklet set. The feedback from both parents and teens is always positive. The information is timely, accurate and straightforward. I find the booklets to be the most valuable resource to support dialog within the family and among peers. Given the state of local school district budgets recently, it is especially helpful that the booklets are easily obtained. Please thank the Foundation for its continuing partnership with the teens and families.” —County School Board Student Assistance Program, USA

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World chapter in Taiwan is one of the world’s most active: 1.1 million people reached through 3,400 information events; 800,000 booklets handed out; lectures heard by 304,000 students in 850 schools; and public service announcements aired on 50 TV stations to more than 5 million viewers. Supporters and partners include city councilors, legislators, police chiefs, mayors, the Ministry of Education and NGOs such as the International Foundation for the Peaceful Elimination of Opium Crops.
One city councilor said, “Your dedication in spreading the truth about drugs, your effort to prevent countless youth from the destruction of drugs and your purpose in making this world a better place without recompense have deeply touched me.”
“On behalf of my organization, my community and country, I would like to extend my utmost gratitude to your organization for the valuable contribution it is making toward a drug-free world.” –Chairman, International Foundation for the Peaceful Elimination of Opium Crops

The Czech Republic is the largest producer, exporter and consumer of methamphetamine, or “Pervitin,” in Europe. To raise awareness of this and other harmful drugs, every year since 2003 the Czech chapter of Foundation for a Drug-Free World has held a “Cyclorun” throughout the country.
Under the patronage of the Senate of the Czech Republic, in 2013 the participating cyclists and runners traveled 800 miles on a drug-free crusade. En route, they met with mayors, police chiefs and other officials in 45 cities, distributed thousands of Truth About Drugs booklets, and gave lectures in 46 schools to some 4,500 students. Since the program was launched in the country over a decade ago, tens of thousands have been reached with the drug-free message.
“Anti-drug education is cheaper, more effective and definitely better than solving the consequences of drugs. I very much appreciate this activity and consider it important. The Senate will engage it further.” —President of the Czech Senate to Cyclorun organizers on International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking